chapter 4 models and services

Business interactions are used to describe the internal behavior that takes place within businesscollaboration. A collaboration is a (possibly temporary) collective of roles within an organization which perform collaborativebehavior (inter­actions). Unlike a department, which may also group roles, a business collaboration does not have an official(permanent) status within the organization; it is specifically aimed at a specific interaction or set of interactions betweenroles. However, a business collaboration can be regarded as a kind of “virtual role”, hence its designation as aspecialization of role.

chapter 4 models and services

2.4               Business

chapter 4 models and services

However,as we discussed in Chapter 2, the use of UML to construct detailed andcomplete models is increasingly rare. For example, in agile methods, wedo not have a long and upfront design phase. Instead, design decisionsare proposed and implemented throughout the sprints. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a graphicalnotation for software modeling.

For example if a client has a mental illness it will affect their behavior. The human service model will treat this client by working with both the individual and the environment that is around him. In this model it is important to focus on the positive aspects of the client rather than the negatives.

Designing Data-Intensive Applications summary-chapter 4

The report outlines the company’s asset management plan and project-based capital expenditure. Thus, the focus of improvement is on the report’s technical content in terms of proposed projects and asset management initiatives. Quality improvement of such plan is highly needed to address the frequent comments raised by customers due to the multiple nonconformities in previous reports. To this end, various enhancements are made to the conventional QFD model to make it more operational and workable in such service application. In addition, several business and quality tools are used in the construction of the QFD House of Quality (HoQ) including Process Mapping, SIPOC chart, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), Pareto Analysis, and Brainstorming. The methodology was successfully used to improve the planning statement of a major utility company.

The same business service may be exposed through different interfaces. A business collaboration may be composed of a number of business roles, and may be assigned to one or morebusiness interactions. A business interface or an application interface may be used by a business collaboration, while a businesscollaboration may have business interfaces (through composition).


If you want to represent the behavior of a program—thatis, what can happen during its execution, which methods are actuallyexecuted, etc.—you should use a UML dynamic diagram. As a reminder, wealready studied Use Case Diagrams, which are considered dynamicdiagrams, in Chapter 3, when we introduced techniques for requirementsspecification. The goal of developing efficient and globally competitive supply chains in North America is likely to require the use of more business services in production in Mexico. The goal of enabling Mexico’s continuing economic development and movement up the value chain is likely to require the use of more business services in production in Mexico. In the long term, increasing the availability and use of business services in production will likely depend on the ability of Mexican policymakers to increase educational attainment and training opportunities for Mexican workers.

Chapter 4 Strategic analysis of enterprises and the Avatar model as modern management tools

As a measure of the skill intensity of business services, Table 2 below reports the share of workers with only a college degree and the share of workers with an advanced degree across sectors in the U.S. The economy-wide average share of workers with a college degree is 25 percent and the share with an advanced degree is 14 percent. Table 1 reports that for business service sectors, that share of workers with a college degree is typically significantly higher than 25 percent. For example, in the Information sector, over 40 percent of workers have a college degree and more than 16 percent have an advanced degree.

  1. The structure aspect at the business layer refers to the static structure of an organization, in terms of theentities that make up the organization and their relationships.
  2. We try not to assume that our data is normally distributed without verifying it first, in case some standard intuitions and approximations don’t hold.
  3. Inthe following diagram, for example, Student andTeacher are subclasses of Person.
  4. In this chapter we’ll explore what a service is and how to create a simple service.
  5. Examples of business actorsare humans, departments, and business units.

Users (and potential users) often want to know what they can expect from a service in order to understand whether it’s appropriate for their use case. Ideally, the SLI directly measures a service level of interest, but sometimes only a proxy is available because the desired measure may be hard to obtain or interpret. For example, client-side latency is often the more user-relevant metric, but it might only be possible to measure latency at the server. We use intuition, experience, and an understanding of what users want to define service level indicators (SLIs), objectives (SLOs), and agreements (SLAs).

  1. It is wise to be conservative in what you advertise to users, as the broader the constituency, the harder it is to change or delete SLAs that prove to be unwise or difficult to work with.
  2. Nevertheless, regardless of the chosen approach by industry practitioners, it is important to identify, which activities are currently performed, and analyse the causes and possible issues, which are encountered.
  3. The Travel insurance seller role is assigned to the travel department.
  4. What is taught—including organizational structures, reporting lines, managing sales teams, advertising, and similar topics—is not designed to help students understand how a start-up works and how to deal with the volatile nature of new ventures.
  5. For example BSON, MessagePack e.t.c for JSON and WBXML, Fast Infoset for XML.

The KIE Server Java client API provides a lightweight approach to invoking a remote DMN service either through the REST or JMS interfaces of KIE Server. This approach reduces the number of runtime dependencies necessary to interact with a KIE base. Decoupling the calling code from the decision definition also increases flexibility by enabling them to iterate independently at the appropriate pace. In this paper the capability of a customer focused quality engineering technique called “Quality Function Deployment (QFD)” have been reviewed. A comprehensive perspective of QFD and its potential areas for improvement have been provided, which could serve as an opportunity for further investigations. It has been found that comparing with other quality approaches, QFD is the most applicable technique for quality design and customer satisfaction subjects.

In contrast to the structural and behavioral concepts, which are mainly concerned with the operational perspectiveon an enterprise, the informational concepts focus on what we could call the “intentional” perspective. They provide away to link the operational side of an organization to the business goals, and to the products that an organization offers to itscustomers. We also classify the product concept itself, together with the related contract concept, as informational concepts. Business collaboration is defined as a (temporary) configuration of two or morebusiness roles resulting in specific collective behavior in a particular context. The companyArchiSurance is modeled as a business actor that is composed of two departments. The Travel insurance seller role is assigned to the travel department.

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