AI in Action: Use Cases for Faster, Smarter Contact Centers

AI Can Try, But Call Center Agents Arent Going Anywhere Yet It refines sales automation and has a tight integration with the HubSpot Service Hub, supporting smooth transitions from prospect to customer. In addition, its AI-powered insights give personalized recommendations ai call center companies to sales reps, predicting deal closures and suggesting optimal outreach times,…

A general-purpose material property data extraction pipeline from large polymer corpora using natural language processing npj Computational Materials

Detecting and mitigating bias in natural language processing Some studies122,123,124,125,126,127 utilized standard CNN to construct classification models, and combined other features such as LIWC, TF-IDF, BOW, and POS. In order to capture sentiment information, Rao et al. proposed a hierarchical MGL-CNN model based on CNN128. Lin et al. designed a CNN framework combined with a…